Join Us

Thank you for your interest in Find a Maker. Please read our guide to joining below.

If you are a maker, craft gallery or craft organisation and would like to join us, please register your interest any time here.

We will email you when applications are open.

Applications open twice a year.

Why Join Find a Maker?

We are searching for the finest makers, craft galleries and craft organisations to join our Find a Maker Directory and Business School. We want to help you grow your business.

We have gathered 400 of the finest makers into a vibrant and supportive community and you can join us. We have spent 20 years creating some of the most beautiful craft festivals in Europe. Along the way, we have gathered a loyal and knowledgeable audience of followers that love and appreciate skillfully, handmade objects. We want to connect our audience with a carefully curated collection of the finest makers, regardless of where they are based.

As well as our Find a Maker Directory of Makers, our Find a Maker Business School will give you the tools to manage and grow your business, whilst helping you reach our highly discerning audience of Craft Festival visitors. Members Benefits include regular Live Tutorials by carefully selected business coaches, bi-annual Find a Maker Week promotions, a members only Facebook Group, monthly Find a Maker Family Gatherings, real life social gatherings and a comprehensive range of marketing support.

Who can join?

You are a professional maker, craft gallery or craft organisation. 

You make ceramics, glass, textiles, jewellery, metal, wood, plastics, mixed media, leather, recycled materials, printmaking and paper of the highest standard.

We do not accept applications from makers of beauty products, wellness products, candles or musical instruments.

Your work or programming shows a dedication to quality of making, presentation and originality.

Your work is compatible with the curatorial style of Find a Maker.

You are based anywhere in the world. 

Register Your Interest Here

I’m a Gallery or Craft Organisation, can I join?

Yes, you represent the finest makers and your programming shows a dedication to quality of making, presentation and originality. You are based anywhere in the world. 

How do I join?

You apply online and after each application deadline, our selection panel will convene to make their selection. Register your interest here.

There is no application fee to pay. 

We will email to inform you of the selection panel’s decision. If you are successful, you will be sent a login with details of how to update your entry and to subscribe to the service.

Your listing goes live when you have added your information and paid your subscription.

When can I join?

Find a Maker applications open twice a year. This usually happens around March and September. You can register your interest at any point in the year via this link. Once you've done this you will recieve an application link via email around March or September.

Benefits of Joining

Being part of a pretigious and exclusive community.

Wear your Find a Maker Membership badge with pride on your website and promtional material as a sign of quality. 

Regular Live Tutorials by carefully selected business coaches

Bi-annual Find a Maker Week promotions

Your business listed with up to 8 images.

Your biography with up to 200 words.

Linked to your Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Direct Link to Your Website and Shop.

Link to your workshop listings. 

Members only Facebook Group

Monthly online Find a Maker Family Gatherings

Real life social gatherings

Regular Email Updates with News and Opportunities

Maker of the Week Home page feature.

Statistics Dashboard with clicks/web traffic.

Inclusion in our Newsletter subscribers.

Inclusion in our Press and Marketing Campaigns including Instagram and Facebook. 

Opportunity to join Instagram Live on @craftfestival

Opportunity to be interviewed for our Podcast, The Capital of Craft.

Opportunity to be mentored by Festival Director, Sarah James. This is an additional service.

How much does it cost?

Membership to Find a Maker directory and Business School is £15/month or £90 annually. (Save 50%)

Frequently Asked Questions:

What size image do I include? Approximately 1200 x 900 pixels, landscape. Please name you Image with your Maker Name.

I only apply with one image, how are you selecting? Our panel will look at your image and your website to get a feel for your work and how you present yourself online. The panel will consider if your work shows a dedication to quality of making, presentation and originality.

Can I add additional images and edit my profile when I join? Yes. If you are selected, you will be sent login details. Once you have chosen your subscription, you can add up to 8 images on your page and change or add any information. You must display work that is similar nature to your application.

How long can I be a member? You can be a member for as long as you pay your subscription. We will, however, review your application every 5 years, to ensure quality across the directory.

Does the subscription include everything in the Business School? Yes, though mentoring with Sarah James is an additional service and strictly limited.

How do I join the tutorials? All members will be sent links each month. They will be conducted via Zoom. We will send you regular updates and maker opportunities.

Will the tutorials be available to watch after? Yes, tutorials are recorded and will be available to our Members, though they will be password protected.

What language will the monthly tutorials use? English

If my application is not successful, will I receive any feedback? Sadly, as we have received unprecedented interest in Find a Maker, we will be unable to give you feedback on your application.